GMX Search: Tips and Tricks

There are several tips and tricks for using GMX Search which will facilitate your search and improve your search results.

Making a search request
Note the following recommendations:
  • Make sure to use precise search terms and make your search more specific by adding additional terms or using boolean operators (e.g. AND, OR, and NOT).
  • As you enter your query in the search bar, GMX will suggest other matching terms. The suggestions are based on searches by other users and can help you find the best matching results.
  • Make sure to keep your search requests short and only use relevant terms.
  • Capitalization (upper and lower case) of the search terms has no effect on the search results.
  • Press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon to start your search. After that, matching websites will be listed in the search results.
Refine search terms

You can narrow down your search by using so-called Boolean operators, which you type directly into the search field. The most important operators are listed down below:

  Explanation Example Search request
AND-search Connect individual search terms with the operator AND. Only if a website contains all terms, will it be listed in the search results. You are looking for a hotel in Berlin. Hotel AND Berlin
OR-search Connect individual search terms with the operator OR. Only if a website contains at least one of the terms, will it be listed in the search results. You are looking for an apartment or a hotel in Berlin. Berlin (Apartment OR Hotel)
NOT-search Substract the terms you wish to be excluded from the search by adding a minus sign in front of them. Only if a website does not contain the terms, will it be listed in the search results. You are looking for a hotel in Berlin but do not want to stay in a motel. Berlin Hotel –Motel
Phrase-search If you are not looking for a single term but rather a phrase, you might want to put it in quotation marks. This way, only results matching exactly your phrase will be mentioned. You are looinkg for the originator of a famous phrase. „To be or not to be“
search inside a website If you are looking for a term on a specific website, add the operator site after your search term, followed by the URL of the website. This way, only results on this specific website will be listed. You are looking for a specific DSL tariff by 1&1. DSL tariff (Important: No space between between „site:“ and the desired domain)

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