Installing GMX Search for Windows

Instsall the GMX Search for Windows in order to search directly from your Windows Taskbar. Your Browser’s standard-search will not be affected.

  1. Visit the Download-Page.
  2. Click Free Download.
    The setup program automatically detects your system’s default language and installs GMX Search accordingly. If your system’s default language is different from English, Spanish or French the setup will automatically install the English version.
  3. Save the Installer locally by clicking Save File and choosing your preferred location
    The Installer will be downloaded in the background.
  4. Double-click the Installer.
    The setup-window will open. Wait until GMX Search for Windows has been downloaded and installed successfully.
  5. Choose one of the following options:
    • Click Yes, if you would like to add GMX Search for Windows to your Windows Taskbar (a).
    • Click No, if you would like to add GMX Search for Windows only to your Windows Sart-Menu (b).

    You can change these Settings after Installation.

    A popup will appear, notifying you that the installation has been completed.
You are now able to use GMX Search for Windows.

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