Your GMX account: Where do you find what?

You can access GMX's many features and functions using the navigation menu in your GMX account.

When you log in to your account at, you are automatically directed to the E-mail (a) section.

From here, you can access the following GMX functions and features:

  • Main features such as the Cloud, Contacts, and Organizer: Manage your documents and photos as well as your address book and appointments (b).
  • Other functions, including the color and language settings: Open the second part of the menu by clicking on More (c).
  • My Account: to change personal data such as your password, or to configure other security settings for your account, click on Account (d).
  • Email settings: to configure your email account to your preferences or to manage your current sessions, click on Settings (e) below the list of folders in the E-mail section.

Overview of your mailbox

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