Why have I been automatically logged out of my GMX account?

It is possible to be logged out automatically during a session. There are several reasons this can happen:

  • Timeout: If you are inactive for a long period of time, you will be automatically logged out of your GMX account to protect your data from unauthorized access. If you are using a computer that other people have access to and you have inadvertently logged in permanently, your online security could be compromised. You should always log out via the logout button and then close the browser session.
  • Incorrect browser settings: Your browser settings may be preventing some content and functions from running correctly. This can cause your session to end unexpectedly. Check if your JavaScript settings are correct and, if applicable, disable any unauthorized add-ons. You can find more information on JavaScript settings under Activating JavaScript.
  • Multiple active sessions: If you log into your GMX account in a new browser window or tab while another window already has an active session, you will be automatically logged out of your previous session. This can prevent forgetting an active session and compromising your online security. For more information on terminating active sessions, see Viewing and Terminating Sessions.

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